With that comes the promise of social equity and connections throughout their post-college life, so it’s worth taking seriously according to Tom. “The Line” follows Wolff’s Tom, a Southern college student who takes the foundations of brotherhood seriously within his frat, Kappa nu Alpha, or as they affectionately call it: KnA. In this new look into the dedication to the fraternity lifestyle, tradition is warped and tainted into something treacherous and wrong-and much of that tonal excellence is achieved by Berger’s top-notch cast, an ensemble led by the enigmatic and skilled Alex Wolff. That is how Ethan Berger’s “The Line” greets its audience, rip-raring and ready to go in the spirit of brotherhood, camaraderie, and community, the kind that can make or break a soul too delicate for the molding. Men screaming songs together joyfully, the elation bursting forth from chapped lips, bloodshot eyes, camouflaged cheeks and the strength of brute force.